Women's Cultural Festival

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Women's Cultural Festival


The Pitt News published this document to provide details surrounding the third annual Women's Cultural Festival at the university. It was a four-day program in January-February of 1974 which included prominent women's rights leaders such as Florynce Kennedy, founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and many other progressive organizations at Pitt. The festival also had workshops on minority women and the feminist movement in Pittsburgh. All programs and workshops included in the three-day event took place on Pitt's campus in buildings like the student union and David Lawrence Hall Auditorium.


Chontos, Stephen A.


Pitt News and Publications


University of Pittsburgh Department of News and Publications


January 21, 1974


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Newspaper article


University of Pittsburgh


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cultural fest.jpeg


Chontos, Stephen A., Women's Cultural Festival, University of Pittsburgh Department of News and Publications, January 21, 1974

Cite As

Chontos, Stephen A. , “Women's Cultural Festival,” Pitt Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Digital Archive, accessed May 6, 2024, https://pittgsws.omeka.net/items/show/14.