Women's Studies Proposal

Ellen Ganley, a very active Pitt student in the demand for a Women's Studies Program, writes in the Pitt News calling upon the Faculty of the Arts and Sciences (FAS) to accept the Women's Studies proposal. 

She expresses the importance of a women's studies program by stating women can learn about their history, literature, psychology, and their place in the world. The proposal was very basic and drafted by the ACWO. The ACWO also called for the hiring of five women to teach the women's courses. 

Ganley points out the that the average woman lacks general knowledge about her past and present, which this program would help change. She points to the fact that when Black studies course were requested they were granted and that women should experience the same chance to explore their history.

She ends her challenge to the FAS with the powerful question of: Is the faculty of Pitt going to prove itself and be as progressive as their think they are or remain in an academic rut? 

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First courses offered.

The first proposed list of courses for the Women's Studies program created by the ACWO.

Women's Studies Proposal