Recent Organizing

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29th Anniversary Celebration of Roe vs Wade.

Students for Reproductive Freedom threw a party to celebrate the Supreme Court's decision in Roe vs Wade. The William Pitt Union was full of pro-choice supporters who participated in a candleligt vigil, cheering, and testimonials.

The stories of women who had died or suffered at the hands of illegal abortionists were shared. Francesca Cantarini, the Western Pennsylvania field director of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, spoke about clinic violence. 

Cantarini shared the staggering statics on the numerous attacks at clinics and how surveys show a large portion of Americans feel that the violence is acceptable. 

Students for Reproductive Freedom also discussed the Pitt Student Health Services change that came the previous summer. They made emergency contraception readily available on campus.

The celebration ended with women sharing their most personal and effective stories on their experiences and how important this landmark decision still is to them today. 

Recent Organizing